
October 2023 Student Spotlights

Every month we compile a list of students and schools doing great things across our community.  We have so many talented students in our area.  Greater Pensacola Parents joins with these families and schools to celebrate their achievements!

St. Paul Catholic School Student Council

After school-wide campaigns and elections, St. Paul Catholic Schools new Student Council executive board and representatives were formally installed in their positions. Congrats to this year’s Student Council!

St. Paul Catholic School Blessed Buddies

St. Paul students enjoyed their first Blessed Buddies activity of the year! Lower classes are paired with higher classes and older students guide their younger buddies through activities throughout the year. Everyone loves spending time with their buddies!

Alethia Christian Academy Enjoys Canoe Trip

Aletheia Christian Academy’s 9th-12th graders enjoyed their annual all-day canoe trip down Blackwater River to kick off the start of school in August. This outing is a favorite pastime that allows students to fellowship outside of the classroom and enjoy nature. They finished the day with a devotion and lunch before heading back to school.

Science is hands-on at Aletheia Christian Academy

Students have already participated in several labs this year. In Mrs. Laxton’s 7th grade Life Science class, students extracted the DNA of strawberries and had a memorable experience. The purpose of the lab was to demonstrate that the DNA of an organism could be isolated from its cells. Students learned why it is important for scientists to extract DNA from organisms and how that applies to various fields such as forensic science.

Creative Learning Academy Sixth Graders Explore Dauphin Island

School days in Pensacola have given way to a new level of excitement and adventure thanks to Alabama’s Dauphin Island. Creative Learning Academy (CLA) 6th-grade students recently embarked on an outstanding and immersive educational journey at the Dauphin Island Sea Lab (DISL). Over three action-packed days, these young scholars dove deep into marine science and exploration, leaving them with unforgettable memories and newfound knowledge.
Their adventure began with a productive Plankton Lab, where students were divided into groups to create and race plankton. They collected plankton from the outdoors and meticulously analyzed their finds using classroom microscopes. A thrilling Research Vessel Trip followed, allowing students to explore the salt marsh habitat and experience the excitement of pulling a seine net in the estuary. The importance of secure footwear was emphasized for this muddy expedition. To cap it off, the students engaged in some friendly competition with their self-built ROVs at the DISL pool during the “ROVing the Gulf” activity, ensuring they had water, sunscreen, hats, and glasses on hand.
The historical aspect of Dauphin Island came alive as students delved into the past during the “History of Dauphin Island Field Class.” They honed their marine invertebrate knowledge through squid dissection, a hands-on experience that fostered teamwork and scientific exploration. Two students per squid dissected these preserved specimens, offering a unique perspective into marine life.
Throughout the three days, CLA students were fully engaged and met with challenging experiences that seemed to broaden their horizons. This unforgettable journey to DISL not only expanded CLA’s Sixth Grade scientific understanding but also created lasting memories of exploration and discovery.

Montessori School Pensacola Uses Teamwork at Camp Beckwith

Montessori School of Pensacola Middle School students (7th and 8th graders) spend the first week of each school year at Camp Beckwith in Fairhope, Alabama. This is a great way for the students to build confidence and gain each other’s trust at the start of the year. The challenge course at Camp Beckwith is described as “fun with a purpose”. It challenges groups to work together to accomplish a task. The challenge course involves low and high ropes activities. Beckwith says this about their courses: “Our renovated ropes course consists of activities that promote and enhance positive interaction between members of your group, challenging folks of all ages. Consisting of both high and low elements, the ropes course is perfect for corporate groups, sports teams, school organizations, and leadership retreats. Low elements take place on the ground or only a few feet above the ground, and are designed to explore group interaction, problem-solving, and leadership. High elements are constructed in trees or made of utility poles and require a belay for safety, and are designed to explore the fundamentals of trust, craftsmanship, and coaching.”

Pensacola High Students Receive National Recognition

Several Pensacola High School students have been awarded National Recognition from the College Board. These students earned this academic honor because of their GPA of 3.5 or higher and outstanding performance on the PSAT/NMSQT®, PSAT™ 10, and/or AP® Exams. They can now list this honor on applications to stand out to colleges.
Awardees (as of August 17) at Pensacola High School are listed below:
Alysa Hayden: NHRA
Alyssa Williams: NAARA
Jaden Ledesma: NHRA
Joshua Kafie: NHRA
Nicole Kerbes: NHRA
Skylar Noel: NAARA
Sydney Jernigan: NIA
Award Key:
National African American Recognition Award (NAARA)
National Hispanic Recognition Award (NHRA)
National Rural and Small Town Award (NRSTA)
National Indigenous Award (NIA)
Congratulations, Tigers!

East Hill Christian Invites You to “Find Your Christian College Fair”

Are you and your student approaching the next steps in their education? East Hill Christian School is excited to host the “Find Your Christian College Fair” on Thursday, October 5th, from 5:30pm to 7:30pm. This event is the only one like this in the Panhandle area and is free and open to the public. With the hopes of connecting students with christian colleges and universities across the country, this event will have representatives from all over. Scan the QR code to see a list of all current colleges registered. We hope to see you there!

Bailey Middle School Library Recognized for Excellence

Jim C. Bailey Middle School library has recently been awarded Power Library status and is the only school in Escambia County to receive this award thus far. “My primary reason for working through the ExC3EL Rubric was to show that our libraries do much more than monitoring and checking out appropriate books!” said Bailey Media Specialist Dr. Roberta Wetzel. “Our Media Centers are a haven for our students and a safe place to read, create, learn and problem solve.”
Florida Power-Library Schools Award (FPLS) provides statewide recognition to schools that nurture focused, systemic change through the involvement of the entire school staff in developing and implementing a plan that integrates the library media program with teacher collaboration and student achievement. The competitive application process is designed to identify school library media programs throughout the state that meet the Outstanding criteria outlined in the ExC3EL Evaluation Rubric.

Sherwood Elementary Unites Home and School Through ‘One School One Book’

Five hundred Sherwood Elementary School students brought home a copy of Pet War by Allan Woodrow, and began reading it with their families on Tuesday, September 12th.
During the month of September, students read the book together at home while celebrating and exploring the novel at school. It’s all part of a unique, national family literacy program called One School, One Book from non-profit Read to Them designed to strengthen the educational connection between home and school.
Sherwood joins the schools and districts across North America who have undertaken this family literacy strategy. Families will read and discuss Pet War at home. In school, students experience dynamic assemblies, answer trivia questions, and engage in creative extension activities.
One School One Book is the flagship program of Read to Them, a national nonprofit based in Richmond, Virginia. The organization’s mission is to create a culture
of literacy in every community.
“We are super excited to participate in One Book, One School again this school year. As we are reading Pet Wars, our students will participate in a very special community service project,” remarked Sherwood Elementary Principal Tammy Douglas. “I am very proud to say our ‘Archers for Animals’ will collect toys, treats, and towels for our local animal shelter. We are ready to read and serve at Sherwood!”

West Florida Participates in Saints Preseason Game On-Field Experience

The New Orleans Saints were excited to have the West Florida High School cheerleaders, coaches, and families join them Sunday, August 13th for the Saints vs. Chiefs preseason game to take part in the American Flag & Fleur De Lis Unfurl pregame on-field experience. Principal Shannon and four of the WFHS Cheer Coaches participated in this once-in-a-lifetime event.

Redeemer Lutheran School Honors Patriot Day

For Redeemer’s annual Patriot Day observance, each student was encouraged to invite a service member or first responder to a special chapel service that included our students performing a number of patriotic songs. A reception followed so that each student could personally celebrate their special guest. Even 22 years later, Redeemer has not forgotten the bravery and sacrifice displayed on 9/11 and the days that followed.

Molino Park Students Remember 911

Mrs. Bodiford’s and Mrs. Gilmore’s 4th grade classes from Molino Park Elementary School participated in remembering the tragic events of 9-11-01 yesterday. Teachers and students gathered at the flagpole at 8:46 a.m., the time of the attack. Students made signs and gave speeches to honor the heroes and victims of 911.

Aletheia Christian Academy Kicks off Chick-Fil-A Leader Academy

In September, Aletheia Christian Academy kicked off the Chick-Fil-A Leader Academy, a national high school leadership program sponsored by Chick-fil-A Operators, focused on making an impact through action. Sixteen ACA students were chosen to be a part of this amazing program. It is a yearlong curriculum engaging students with a monthly “Leader Lab” focusing on important leadership skills. The cornerstone of Chick-fil-A Leader Academy is the year-end Impact Project, which is student planned and led. Students in the program rally students in their school to organize and execute projects that make a difference in communities across America.
Their first community service project will be the 1 Million Book Giveaway in which students will deliver 160 books to children in our community.

Florida Power & Light Donates $20,000 to Support Homeschool Academy

The Naval Aviation Museum Foundation (NAMF) is delighted to announce a recent contribution of $20,000 from Florida Power and Light Company (FPL) towards the museum’s new Homeschool Academy. The check presentation ceremony took place on the base this morning.
Homeschool Academy: The Museum Classroom was initiated by NAMF in January 2023, with a focus on families homeschooling children aged 5 to 18. FPL’s generous grant will enable NAMF to extend the program’s reach throughout the entire school year, benefiting the homeschooling community. “We’re profoundly thankful for this contribution. FPL’s generosity empowers us to provide hands-on STEM activities and unique museum tours to our growing local homeschool community year-round,” said Dianna Hayden, Director of Education for NAMF.

Redeemer Lutheran’s Celebrates First Week of School

Redeemer Lutheran celebrated the first week of school with a surprise visit from Kona Ice. Students were ecstatic when the Kona Ice truck pulled in and treated everyone to a refreshing treat sponsored by the school. It’s going to be a super cool year at Redeemer!

The Importance of Montessori Line Time at Montessori School Pensacola

Students of every age at Montessori School of Pensacola, from Toddlers through 8th grade, “come to the line” at different times during the school day. This is referred to as “line time”. This time is a powerful way for the students in a classroom build classroom community. It
gives a definite “beginning and ending” to the day. It creates a sense of family and increases the bond between students and teachers. Lessons given at the line include all areas of curriculum in the Montessori classroom. Times that students are “at line” are also great ways to talk about classroom maintenance & discipline.
Classes “come to line” for group lessons, music, stories, and special guest presentations. Another activity that happens at the line is “practicing silence” where students practice a calm timed period of sitting quietly. Line time is perfect for any announcements that need to be made about the day (special instructions or activities, for instance). For any age group, it’s nice to review the class ground rules at line time, especially at the beginning of the year. Attendance can also be taken at this time.
Additionally, the acitivty of “walking on the line” or “walking the line” is a core way that students in a Montessori classroom develop their coordination and balance. Students walk very slowly, making sure to walk heel to toe, and focusing on keeping their feet on the line as they walk around the line.
In this photo, you see a Primary class of children aged 3-6 years old at the MSP 12th Avenue campus, which is part of the old Sacred Heart Hospital in Pensacola’s East Hill neighborhood.

Pleasant Grove Adventures at Environmental Center

It was a magnificent Monday at the Roy Hyatt Environmental Center with Pleasant Grove Elementary School 5th grade students and teachers. These young adventurers participated in the “Infinitely Big! Infinitely Small!” Program. They entered the inflatable planetarium blasting off into space studying the infinitely big solar system. These scientists also used microscopes to observe infinitely small microscopic organisms while studying the flow of energy in an ecosystem. They ended their day with a picnic lunch and the opportunity to meet one of our snake ambassadors, Todd, the Florida Kingsnake.

Local Student Achieves Top ACT Score

Clayton Nolen, son of Steve and Carla Nolen and a senior at Pensacola High School, earned the highest possible ACT composite score of 36.
About one-quarter of 1% of students who take the ACT earn a top score. In the U.S. high school graduating class of 2022, only 3,376 out of 1.34 million students who took the ACT earned a top
composite score of 36.
The ACT is a curriculum-based achievement exam that measures what students have learned in school. Students who earn a 36 composite score have likely mastered all of the skills and
knowledge they will need to succeed in first-year college courses in the core subject areas.
ACT scores are accepted by major four-year colleges and universities across the U.S.


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