Currently Browsing: Kids Say the Wisest Things 11 articles

Kids Say Wisest March 22 all mags 1

Why Is Communication So Hard (Part 2: Teens)

A wise and heartbroken teen asked, “Who made communication so hard?” She said this after having a difficult week attempting to advocate for herself. As parents of children over the […]

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Why Is Communication So Hard (Part 2: Ages 7-10)

“Who made communication so hard?” Such a wise question from a child. I simply responded, “Everyone sweet girl, everyone.” Last month, I wrote about how to communicate effectively with children […]

Kids Say Wisest Jan 22 all mags

Why Is Communication So Hard? (Part 1)

Steven Covey coined the famous phrase, “The biggest communication problem is we do not listen to understand. We listen to reply.” Communication is the number one problem I encounter in […]

Kids Say Wisest Thing Dec 21

Appreciating Your Kids (While They Are Still Kids)

Recently my husband and I have become empty nesters! We love our children and love being parents, but raising them has been exhausting. We’ve been looking forward to the “empty […]

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Embrace the Challenges

A few months ago, I was giving an IQ test to an adorable little boy. As the questions became more difficult, he looked at me and said, “This is challenging. […]

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It Takes a Village

I am often sitting across from a child who has made some bad choices. In one specific situation, a boy complained, “My parents won’t let me go on a camping […]

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My Parents Care Too Much About How I Make Them Look.”

In a world full of social media, camera phones, and YouTube it is tempting to be overly concerned with what everyone else is doing and how we compare.  However, our […]

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“My Parents Don’t Even Try to Understand Me!

In 1987, DJ Jazzy Jeff and the Fresh Prince recorded a hilarious song that captures the tumultuous relationship between teenagers and their parents called, “Parents Don’t Understand”. I am quite […]

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“What’s the Big Deal… I Just Get a Little Mad”

I spend my days hearing concerned parents say, “This child has an anger problem.” That statement is almost always followed by a child saying, “I just get a little mad.” […]

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“Mom, You Worry Too Much”

A mother and her adorable 4-year-old son recently came in for counseling. The mother and I spoke about how to help him transition away from his favorite activities without having […]

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