It is often said that the fondest memories are made when gathered around the kitchen table. Julia Mahatekar, who is sharing her favorite recipe with us this month, and her family, most certainly use meal time to create fond memories together that will last a lifetime.
“We have many family traditions, but I think our favorite family tradition is our Family Sunday,” said Julia. “Family Sunday is where every Sunday each family member gets a turn at being the honoree. The honoree gets to choose the meal and a family activity.”
Julia shares further, “Some memorable Family Sundays have been when our three-year-old chose chicken nuggets and macaroni and cheese and then wanted us all to play pirates. Or the night before our teenager had an AP art assignment due, she handed out art paper and we all painted. One Sunday, I handed out photocopies of a short play from a library book and made everyone act out a play together. We laughed through the entire thing.”
Before Julia and Parag met, Parag was a single dad who adopted Brayden (18) from Guatemala through Children of the World and Julia was a single mom to Molly (19). They met in 2008 and then married in 2011, after a fairytale-like proposal, and had two more children: Dahlia Lakshmi (11) and Nikhil (3).
“When we married, we had a beautiful double ceremony: a Hindu ceremony and an American ceremony. Parag even rode in on a white horse and I was driven up by rickshaw. Our only attendants were our children, Molly and Brayden, as maid of honor and best man,” Julia shared. “Every year we celebrate our family anniversary at the Fairhope Yacht Club gazebo (where we met) the Friday before Mother’s Day with Ravenite pizza.”
Julia decided to share a traditional Indian recipe with us this month.
“Keema is an Indian dish that our dear friend, Kunja Jadhav introduced to me when Parag and I were dating. I could never replicate her keema and after many failed attempts, I finally got the right blend of spices and meats and feel like I can claim this specific recipe as my own,” said Julia. “I’m afraid the Indian Aunties might faint to see I’m using canned tomatoes, but when you are a busy mom with a large family, some shortcuts are necessary.”
Julia’s Instant Pot Keema

- 2 onions, chopped
- 3 serrano chilis, chopped (can sub jalapenos)
- 4-6 garlic cloves, minced
- 2 TBS. ginger, minced
Spice Blend: 5 tsp. chili powder, 1 TBS salt,
4 tsp. turmeric, 1 TBS cumin, 2 tsp paprika
- 1 Ib. ground lamb
- 1 Ib. ground chicken
- 2 C. diced tomatoes
- *5 TBS ground coriander
- *3 TBS. garam masala
*add last and don’t stir. - 2 c. frozen peas (add after pressure releases)
- 1 c. fresh cilantro, chopped
Serve with naan, chapati, or roti (Stonefire garlic naan is our favorite, toasted with melted butter or ghee.)
- Turn on Instant Pot’s Saute Setting.
- Saute onions, for about 5 minutes.
- Add chilis, garlic, and ginger. Saute for 2 minutes.
- Combine chili powder, salt, turmeric, cumin, and paprika. Mix spice blend into
Instant Pot. - Add ground meat and brown.
- Cancel Instant Pot.
- Add tomatoes (and 1/2 to 1 cup water if looks dry.)
- Add coriander and garam masala to the top. Don’t stir to prevent sticking to the pot.
- Place lid and press manual, 5 minutes, natural release.
- Stir in peas and press saute, if needed, to evaporate liquid.
- Sprinkle cilantro just before serving. Enjoy with garlic naan.
*Can also be cooked in a Dutch oven on the stovetop. Allow the meat to simmer on the stove for at least one hour to allow flavors to meld. Stir to prevent sticking. Add water if the meat gets too dry.
Serving Suggestions: In India, the only utensils you need are your hands and the occasional spoon. Pinch off a piece of the flatbread to scoop the meat. Keema is served alongside a plate of raw veggies: celery, carrots, radish, fresh onion, lemon slices, cucumber, etc.