
Reactive or Proactive?

AOP Kids Health Proactive Reactive May23

sponsored by Cornerstone Family Chiropractic

Is our “health care” in a good place? According to the World Health Organization, the United States is ranked 72nd in overall health and 43rd in overall life expectancy. Our health scores continue to decline.

What are we paying for this, then? Is not enough money the problem? When it comes to costs, we are ranked #1 in health care spending. The Commonwealth Fund research group found that we are paying the most in health care costs per person globally, $11,912.00, including out-of-pocket expenses. When we contrast this with a place like Switzerland, which pays $7,179.00 per person and has a top-five overall health rating, it is clear that we are not getting our money’s worth.


Well, what is the problem then? The United States is certainly the most technologically advanced country in the world regarding clinical medicine. Medicine certainly has its place, especially in emergencies where life is on the line. But, if you walk into a doctor’s office with a bad headache or some kind of pain, nine times out of ten, what will you walk out with? When we consider our health scores and the fact that the United States, less than 5% of the world’s population, consumes over 60% of all the pharmaceutical drugs on planet Earth, it is clear that health doesn’t come in a bottle. Still, also we may be just masking the symptom of an underlining cause.

Let’s say you get in a minor car accident. You take a look at the damage on the outside of the car. It appears to be just a scratch, so you ignore it and continue using it as usual. Then, the car starts making funny noises, but it still runs okay. The noises start getting worse, enough to worry you, so you take it into the shop. It turns out the frame is bent, and continued use under stress made it worse.

In this same scenario, how is your health? You may have had a headache or neck or back pain for a bit, but it wasn’t bad and initially went away. However, as weeks, months, and even years go on, the same kind of pains become more consistent, even more painful. At this point, for most, addressing the symptom becomes a priority as it’s affecting their ability to function. What will happen if the underlying cause is not addressed?

An approach that has served us well at Cornerstone Family Chiropractic is to be proactive about our health. We advocate eating right, exercising, sleeping well, and good relationships, which all fit into this proactive approach and give great health benefits. An often overlooked system of the body, the nervous system, the coordinator of all your bodily functions, is one area where we often find past stressors often overlooked. Given a lower cost and benefits that can influence the body as a whole, chiropractic care, especially in this proactive approach, is an excellent resource for achieving optimal health and function.

Dr. Jordan Jensen earned his Bachleor’s Degree in Biomedical Sciences at Auburn University in 2013 and earned his Doctor of Chiropractic at Palmer College of Chiropractic in 2018. Following graduation, Dr. Jensen was accepted into the International Chiropractic Association’s Diplomate of Craniocervical Procedures postgraduate program, where his research encompasses Chiropractic’s application of advanced imaging and patient outcomes.

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