“Over the summer my kids created a ‘Summer Bucket List’ and we stayed busy trying to accomplish it,” shared Charla Givens. “It’s been fun watching them get excited over the little things like flying a kite, going to the library, or baking brownies together. We’ve thoroughly enjoyed some simple summer fun and made a lot of memories in the process.”
Charla is a loving mom to three children. Oliver (9) has a variety of medical complexities but is described as a true gift from God. He has endured so much in his young life and keeps going with a smile on his face. Jenni Mae (7) is her joy-filled daughter who loves to sing, dance, and help care for her brothers. Lastly, Theo (4), is an adventurer who loves all things dinosaur and shark related.
“Kids help us see the world with fresh eyes, reminding us of simple pleasures in life,” said Charla. “There’s nothing better than spending time with my kids. They won’t always be little so I want to be present in their lives and soak in every moment. They are my biggest blessings and I’m grateful I get the privilege of being their mom.”
One of the ways Charla and her children love to spend time together is in the kitchen and around the dining room table.
“As a single mom of three kids, I try to find quick and easy recipes that each child will like,” Charla shared. “My children all enjoy helping out in the kitchen, and cooking provides them with fun practical ways to review their literacy and math skills.”
Sharing one of her children’s favorite meals with us, Charla provides the recipe for her Pizza Bake. This pasta dish is flavorful and any “pizza topping” can be added to it. When the kids are ready to change it up, you can find them adding ground beef and olives to this dish.
“Dinner time is family time. My kids take turns saying the blessing before each meal,” explained Charla. “We truly enjoy sitting around the table together and sharing stories from each other’s day.”
Pizza Bake
- 1 box of Ziti Noodles
- Bag of Pepperoni
- Your favorite Marinara Sauce
- 1 Pizza Blend Shredded Cheese
(combination of cheddar and mozzarella) - Italian seasoning, to taste
- Garlic, to taste
- Salt, to taste
- Pepper, to taste
- Preheat oven to 375 degrees.
- Cook pasta
according to the package directions and drain it. - Put pasta back in pot. Stir in marinara sauce, the Italian seasoning, garlic, salt and pepper, and about half of the
pepperoni. - Transfer to a 9×13 baking dish.
- Sprinkle cheese over it.
- Add the remainder of pepperoni on top.
- Bake for 20 minutes and then serve.