Is it just me or has this been the shortest summer ever?
Maybe it seems short after having a 5-month summer last year. Or maybe it is because we are all finally out and about having a great time. Time definitely flies by when you are having fun! After all of the chaos and strangeness of the 2020-2021 school year, I think we can all get excited about going back to school with a lot more normalcy. Not only that, our household has the added excitement of having a senior this year!

Getting ready for senior year can be a lot of fun, but it is also a stressful time. Some students are vigorously prepping for ACTs/SATs and getting college applications ready, while others are researching what career path they may enter after graduation and deciding if it is on to additional career/technical training or heading straight into the work force.
Each scenario is exciting and almost all of these require some sort of resume or application. In this competitive world we live in, sometimes a resume filled with extracurricular activities may give a student an advantage. Is shows the reviewer a more well rounded picture of the applicant. While filling up your resume may be a nice side effect to participating in extracurriculars, it is not the only benefit to enjoying a variety of activities. As Cheryl Maguire explains in this month’s feature, 5 Benefits of Multiple Extracurricular Activities, there are many reasons to get your child involved after school, at any age.
From preschool to high school, registering for after school activities has always been a big part of the “Back to School” season and we want to help with that process. Each August we publish an extensive list of after school activities available in the area. Having three children with ever changing interests, I am grateful for the variety of opportunities offered. Whether your children love team sports, performing arts, scouting, fine arts or individual sports, you are sure to find just what you are looking for in this year’s After School Activities Guide. Multiple activities can get expensive, so make sure you also check out any clubs your school may offer. This is another great, and inexpensive, way to get involved!
Registration fees aren’t the only things that can get expensive this time of year. We all know the shock of getting to the checkout line to find out just how much “a few” school supplies can cost. Fortunately, Sarah Lyons give us some helpful cost saving tips in Don’t Break the Bank on Back to School. If you are blessed enough to afford a few extra supplies after your savings, make sure to donate supplies to the school or other backpack drives and help those who may not be as fortunate. Also, check with your school to see if there are any other items (clothing, shoes, snacks, etc.) that some of the students may need. Every child deserves to be fully equipped and ready the first day, and every day, of school.
Go out, soak up the last few days of summer break, and get re-energized to head back to school! We wish everyone a wonderful school year!