
Golf Cart Safety for You and Your Kids


Kids Health Watch is brought to you by our friends and Magnolia Springs Pediatrics


Hey guys! I hope everyone is staying safe and healthy. Living here in Baldwin County for quite a while, I have noticed one thing that is becoming more and more popular… golf carts on the road. Today, we will talk about the different types of carts, some common sense rules for the road, and some potential safety hazards for you and your children.

In 2016, Baldwin County voters decided to allow more freedom in using golf carts on city streets and left the enforcement of type and how to each municipality. So, let’s talk about the different types. Of course, there are your old-fashioned regular golf carts with golf cart bag holders on the very back. These typically do not go very fast and usually do not have seat belts, blinkers, rearview mirrors, or other safety measures. Next are a lot of modified golf carts from the original types. Most have bigger tires, four to eight seats, seat belts, and maybe some rearview mirrors. Then, there are electric carts that have VIN numbers and tags, and they have all the safety measures you would have if you were driving an actual car. Some are four-seaters and can go 20-25 mph; some have very sturdy frames and can go up to 40 mph!

So, regardless of the style of cart someone has, there is one unifying theme. In a motor vehicle collision, the car, truck, or SUV will always win; therefore, the golf cart passengers are at risk! So what can you do? First, any golf cart should be driven by someone with a driver’s license. Yes, it’s fun for the kids to cruise around the neighborhood, but they often do not look out for other drivers, rarely buckle up, and do not follow the road rules. I have seen golf carts driving around the Eastern Shore loaded down with kids (most of whom are not buckled up) and flying down the road. Unfortunately, golf carts can flip easily. If you have one with many kids loaded up and they turn quickly, it will flip.

Next, check with your local police for what safety measures your golf cart needs and where it is safe to drive. The most common measures are seat belts, blinkers, rearview mirrors, brake lights, windshield wipers, reflectors, parking brakes, and often a VIN number with a tag. Depending on the style of cart you have, most will also need to have a minimum threshold speed of 20 mph with a max of 25 mph. This ensures that if you are driving on a city street, you do not impede traffic by going too slow and don’t go too fast to endanger yourself or others.

Finally, let’s talk about things that can hurt you or your child. First, unless your cart is made to drive above 25 mph, do not go on a road with a speed limit of more than 35 mph. And please stay off the four-lane! I’ve seen golf carts driving down and crossing Greeno Road. Not only is it dangerous, but you will get a ticket in a heartbeat. Use common sense- buckle up, use your blinkers or arms to signal turns, check your blind spots, and no sharp turns. Of course, we worry about our kids, but I’ve seen adults act dangerously on golf carts, so be a good example to your family.

Have a great spring and be safe!

Robert L. Rux, M.D. is a Board Certified Pediatrician at Magnolia Springs Pediatrics. Originally from Mobile, he attended medical school at The University of Alabama School of Medicine (UAB) and completed residency at The Children’s Hospital of Alabama (UAB).


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